一年間の感謝の気持ちを 音楽でお届けできた1周年記念音楽会でした
ここまで支えてくださったたくさんの皆様 趣旨に賛同して応援してくださった皆様 JR九州 篠栗筑豊鉄道事業部様 JR篠栗駅様 篠栗町観光協会様 篠栗町商工会様 ご協賛頂いた皆様 本当に有難うございました
篠栗駅から素敵な波動が音に乗り 日本中にそして海外に平和の音楽が響き渡りますように
This is a digest of the 1st anniversary concert
one year of gratitude It was a 1st anniversary concert that was delivered with music
Many people who have supported us so far Everyone who agreed with the purpose and supported us JR Kyushu Sasaguri Chikuho Railway Division JR Sasaguri Station Sasaguri Town Tourism Association Sasaguri Chamber of Commerce and Industry Everyone who supported us Thank you very much
A wonderful wave rides on the sound from Sasaguri Station May the music of peace resound throughout Japan and abroad
Thank you for your continued support